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Re: [TowerTalk] Rotor Cable

To: Julio Peralta <>, Tower Talk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Rotor Cable
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 09:13:23 -0700
List-post: <">>
My "small" PP from Kurt is 280' from his GH to PP. I use #10 low voltage lighting wire (direct burial and uv resistant) with a second pair paralleled as the ground conductor. The many fine gauge stranded wires make it super flexible in comparison to 10/3 UF. I use a 22ga separate pair for the sensor. All work fine turning a 2L 350# 80m beam. This is on a guyed tower. On my crank ups, I tape the many coax+wires together about every 30" and they feed thru KF7P loop standoffs, up 4 years, no problems. Be sure to use Scotch 33+ tape, no knockoff junk. I flake the cable bundle into a 8' across figure eight when lowering the tower. This insures a large bend radius and no twist.
ebay has this wire (Carol brand ++) and big box stores also, but be sure 
it is pure copper strands not copper plated aluminum.
Grant KZ1W

On 9/25/2016 5:04 AM, Julio Peralta wrote:
I'm getting ready to put up a Prop Pitch Rotor one of K7NV's creations and
I'm having trouble locating the cable needed to complete the job.

K7NV recommended the Wireman 305 cable which is 8 conductor 2X 12Ga. and 6X
16Ga. The Wireman is out of stock and doesn't expect to get a new shipment
until sometime after the middle of October.

Does anyone know where a similar cable is available? I've looked around the
internet and wasn't able to find anything close to the 305.

I need 260 feet.

I know there are other options like running Romex for the power and
something else for the sense wiring, but since I have a crank up tower I
would like to have all the wire stranded and in one jacket.

Julio, W4HY


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