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Re: [TowerTalk] What do do on 80 when height restricted?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] What do do on 80 when height restricted?
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 10:17:22 -0700
List-post: <">>
On Tue,10/25/2016 9:49 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
##  80m verticals on a city lot will be real noisy on RX.  Trying to keep
a dedicated RX ant away from the TX vertical will be a chore.
Yes, that's true. But so will almost any practical antenna. Antennas fed 
with open wire line are also generally bad for receive noise because it 
is not practical to choke them.
On Tue,10/25/2016 9:33 AM, Steve London wrote:
Most of the comments have assumed that your son has adequate space for a vertical.
I have seen many terrible, limited space vertical installations, where 
the antenna is no more than a few feet from the house or other large 
structure. These always perform poorly, especially so on the low bands.
Tell us more about what your son has available for space.
Yes, exactly why I posted links to the applications notes -- to provide 
some technical background so that he can look around and evaluate the 
73, Jim K9YC


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