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Re: [TowerTalk] Double Coax Runs to Reduce Loss

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Double Coax Runs to Reduce Loss
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 14:44:25 -0800
List-post: <">>
On Fri,12/23/2016 12:42 PM, wrote:
I used heavy THHN for rotator wire and it holds up fine outdoors.  As you
said the exterior clear coating peels off put the PVC does not seem to
The run to the top of my tower is 350 ft. The run from the shack to the 
tower is about 225 ft, and it consists of parallel runs of 3-wire indoor 
power cable that lay on the ground. The run up the tower is some really 
nice multi-conductor stuff that I found at a local electronic surplus 
store (we still have a good one in Silicon Valley). I paralleled several 
of the conductors in that smaller cable for the motor, and used single 
conductors for the pot that senses position. The tower went up in 2008, 
and I've had no issues. I haven't even inspected it.
73, Jim K9YC


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