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Re: [TowerTalk] ferrites for Beverage transformers

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] ferrites for Beverage transformers
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2017 09:53:08 -0700
List-post: <">>
GM David,

I don't consider myself an expert on this topic, but I just wound four transformers for VE3DO loops using #43 cores that I had in my parts stash. Winding guidelines were for binocular cores and a ferrite material with greater mu, so I increased the number of turns by about 50%. They all work just fine. If all that I had were #31 cores I would have used those instead. The key to this is knowing u' and u'' (u' is mu, u'' accounts for the loss component) for the material. Fair-Rite publishes this data for all of their materials as a graph of the values as a function of frequency in a dozen or so pages near the front of their excellent catalog.
One VERY important point that everyone seems to have missed in winding 
these transformers is that stray capacitance between windings couples 
common mode noise from the coax shield to the antenna, then back down 
the coax to the RX as a differential signal.
A ferrite toroid has such a high mu that it contains virtually all of 
the magnetic flux, so there is no need for one winding to lay on top of 
the other, and doing so greatly increases the interwinding capacitance. 
The transformers I wound are on opposite sides of the toroid core. I 
used small gauge wire (#28?) from a hunk of multi-pair in my junk box.
73, Jim K9YC

On Mon,4/10/2017 9:08 AM, David Robbins wrote:
I want to get some cores to be able to repair two wire Beverage transformers
and reflection transformers.  I have been reading this: and some other articles
and trying to find the referenced parts, in particular the 412-5250
binocular core sounds good for the impedance transformers, but google is
failing me when trying to find a source. who stocks them??  I haven't seem
much about reflection transformers either, would that same core be good for
reflection transformers or what else is recommended??

David Robbins K1TTT
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