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[TowerTalk] Positioning Hardware

Subject: [TowerTalk] Positioning Hardware
From: Ed Karl <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 21:42:54 -0500
List-post: <">>
The equipment shown will work fine, I use it with the adapter to the safety cable. Having said that, I use a rope lanyard with hooks for the D rings on the harness.
If the lanyard is too long I simply wrap around tower pieces/ parts to 
take up the slack.
The lanyard should be tight when you are working, purpose is to free 
both hands.
NOT for fall arresting, the lanyard is a work tool.

Your going in the right direction ...

Now before climbing, belt up, go up about 6 feet (between shoes and ground). Tie off with the lanyard get comfortable, throw booth arms behind you and hang there for a while. This will get you comfortable with the equipment. Are your legs comfortable, your back OK?, can you tighten bolts using both hands. Don't rush,
be careful.

Above all, be careful ...

Good Luck!

ed K0KL

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