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Re: [TowerTalk] rope strength - Knot Expert

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] rope strength - Knot Expert
From: Patrick Greenlee <>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2019 08:42:22 -0600
List-post: <>
Amen to the bowline.  When I was teaching public education classes for the US Coast Guard Auxiliary I taught all my classes to tie a bowline around their waist with one hand to hold the line and the other to tie the knot.  Should you end up overboard in the water someone could toss you a line but how long could you hold on to a wet slippery rope while being towed along?  A bowline will not slip and squeeze you.  One tied around your waist can be a life saver. Also useful in climbing.

Patrick        NJ5G

On 12/10/2019 5:03 AM, wrote:
EVERY knot has a name, but many won't know the correct name for a given
knot, and it can be dangerous if we aren't completely certain about how
to tie a given knot correctly. Knowing the subtle difference between a
Running Bend and a Magnus Hitch could make a big difference in how
safely and securely a rope is fastened to something and how reliably the
knot will hold, depending on the way the knot is used. Using the right
knot for a given job is an important decision.

The Ashley Book of Knots is a great reference, and there are online
references as well.

The description of the carabiner interface *sounds* like a Ring Hitch,
but the loop used to make it *might* be formed with a Bowline knot.
Knowing how to tie a Bowline knot without looking or one-handed could be
a lifesaver in a rescue situation; it's a knot worth knowing.

Any knot made in a rope reduces the overall strength of the rope, so you
should be sure the rope has plenty of spare capacity for a given job
when a knot is involved, which is nearly ALWAYS. It's why we use rope
most of the time. Most of us won't be making a splice...

-Geoff Way


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