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Re: [TowerTalk] Trusted/proven sources for LV/non switching power suppli

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Trusted/proven sources for LV/non switching power supplies
From: Artek Manuals <>
Date: Sat, 22 May 2021 22:40:36 -0400
List-post: <>
Jameco seems to come up repeatedly (thanks guys)  and they do have a long term reputation  Think I will start there . In this day and age there is so much cheap Chinese cr@p out there and when you question them, it is clear that they do not even know if their supplies are linear or switching. I was looking for actual experience even voltage regulators on some linear supplies can be noise generators
I don't miss radio shack much but at times like this I would have just 
gone up to the shopping center and got a transformer and a handful of 
parts and built my own

On 5/22/2021 8:34 PM, Lux, Jim wrote:
On 5/22/21 5:11 PM, Artek Manuals wrote:
Looking for tested recommendations on sources for small NON-switching/ low RF Noise (transformer) DC power supplies . 5V. 6V, 9V , 12V, 16V and 18V out 500ma/1A� kind of supplies.
Been chasing down noise sources in my own home for starters and some 
of the charging wall warts and LED under cabinet supplies are amazing 
noise generators.
I also have a new $2500 refrigerator that is not at the top of the 
list but which is not the quietest� either that is going to be a 
challenge , last thing I
Plenty of linear open frame supplies from companies like Acopian and 
TDK/Lambda.� - I've used plenty of both at work.

However, what about searching for "linear power supply" - you get hits like this:


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