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Re: [TowerTalk] Moving ham radio eflectors to permit attachments

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Moving ham radio eflectors to permit attachments
From: Bob Richards <>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 09:08:49 -0800
List-post: <>
Another group I belong to uses Google Groups.  That group is not primarily focused on technical information.  One thing I have discovered using Google Groups is the limited size of attachments allowed by GG  that could impact the information transfer we towertalk members do.  Something to consider if the decision is made to use GG.

Bob NZ6G

On 12/21/2021 7:32 AM, Grant Saviers wrote:
Of course Google Groups are NOT "completely free".  We are the product they will sell to advertisers and for whatever other uses (given the culture it is wise to speculate) google might be doing.  It's an online version of the classic "honey trap."

Checking out the fine print re what Google gets would be advisable - ad insertions in posts?  unlimited use of email addresses?  etc.

So far, has worked very well for several other groups I subscribe too. I have not noticed any unwanted consequences. Can't say that about how Google has operated.

Some argue that all privacy is already is lost, and isn't especially private.  Contesting is moderated and has controlled access, another concern when a monopolist has control of the rules.

Count me in as a contributor to move to

Grant KZ1W

On 12/21/2021 05:53, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
Since my earlier posting, I have learned that since February, 2021, has charged for groups larger than 100 members. While I think donations could easily cover these costs, and would be willing to administer a donations account on Paypal, that might be just too much complexity for some sysops.  In that case, how about Google Groups?  So far as I can tell, their email groups are completely free, regardless of size.


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