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Re: [TowerTalk] High power 2:1 transformer was Re: 16om vertical and the

To: Chuck Dietz <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] High power 2:1 transformer was Re: 16om vertical and the number of radials
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2022 09:57:14 -0800
List-post: <>
The capacitors are on the 25 ohm side so the transmission line transformer sees a low swr. Hence, the caps need to handle 2x the current. The details are in my QEX article "Broad-banding a 160m Vertical Antenna" QEX May/June 2019. (errata - pin #'s on the connecting cable are incorrect).
No problems with the match since putting it up, now at 101 confirmed on 
160m :) all on this antenna.
The 8 elevated aluminum electric fence wire radials are all still 
original. The top support (center of the T) was broken off by a falling 
branch which was replace 10/2022.  However, I'm sure there is a lot of 
loss (4+ db?) from being in a forest.  That's the price of free antenna 
supports (110ft fir/cedar trees).
I currently have 10-12" of snow (YUK a record) on the ground and heavy 
snow on the radials (and droop).  That has changed the resonance up 
about 50KHz.  So another nice capability of the tuner.
Grant KZ1W

On 12/3/2022 06:57, Chuck Dietz wrote:
Grant, where is the series capacitor, before the un-un or between it and the antenna?
Chuck W5PR

On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 7:53 PM Grant Saviers < <>> wrote:
    I've been using the 2:1 one for 7 years at QRO for a good match at the
    antenna as I don't have a tuner at the amp.  I can match < 1.4:1 the
    entire band by switching in series capacitance in 50KHz steps to the
    1.83 resonance.

    Grant KZ1W

    On 12/2/2022 13:05, <> wrote:
     > Yes, match at the feedpoint.
     > You might check out Balun Designs:
     > Marsh, KA5M
     > -----Original Message-----
     > From: TowerTalk <
    <>> On Behalf Of Pete Smith N4ZR
     > Sent: Friday, December 02, 2022 2:39 PM
     > To: <>
     > Subject: [TowerTalk] High power 2:1 transformer was Re: 16om
    vertical and the number of radials
     > A somewhat related question - as the R component at the feedpoint
    of my inverted L goes down toward 25 ohms, I've begun wondering if I
    should do some matching at the feedpoint, rather than using my tuner
    in the shack, even though feedline losses at 160 are relatively
    low.  Can someone point me toward a good way to do a 2:1 downward
    transformation?  I already have a common mode choke at the feedpoint.
     > 73, Pete N4ZR
     > Check out the new Reverse Beacon Network web server
    at< <>>.
     > For spots, please use your favorite
     > "retail" DX cluster.
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