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[TowerTalk] Phasing Line Excess Routing

Subject: [TowerTalk] Phasing Line Excess Routing
From: Steve Walter <>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 08:14:04 -0500
List-post: <>
Using a StackMatch and equal coax lengths is there any advice for the
excess coax in a two-stack.  80' and 50'.  I would prefer to coil the
excess 30' AFTER the shield ground at the base. This would mean one 80' run
would be continuous to the base ground block and the other would be
grounded at the 50' length and the excess coiled.  Does this significantly
affect phasing?  Or should I just coil it and then go to the ground block
so they would be identical?
Is coiling further up the tower acceptable?    Im also wondering how the
coil location affects lightning protection of the coax.

Steve Walter   WA3A

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