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Re: [TowerTalk] New N6LF Ground Probe Designs

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] New N6LF Ground Probe Designs
From: "Paul Christensen" <>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2024 17:38:51 -0500
List-post: <>
> It does not show ground permittivity. Both conductivity and 
> permittivity influence antenna performance and both can vary greatly 
> greatly with frequency.

A while back, Frank, W3LPL attached a link to a paper written on behalf of
either NBS or DoD.  As I recall, the discussion focused on the
non-applicability of ground wave propagation above the BC band, including
160m.  But it also addressed the importance of the near and mid-field soil
quality out to some distance from a vertical radiator for long distance

N6LF certainly addresses this material in his work, but I'm specifically
referring to the government publication.  I just looked high and low through
my cloud files and cannot find it.  I'm not sure if Frank still monitors
this list.  Anyone have a link?  

Paul, W9AC  


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