W5KFT m/s wpx ssb 95

george fremin iii geoiii at bga.com
Wed Apr 3 21:01:41 EST 1996

                              CQ WPX SUMMARY SHEET
    Callsign Used : W5KFT

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Avg.pts  Prefixes   

   80SSB      98          98        164     1.67     36 
   40SSB     421         419       1994     4.76    115 
   20SSB    1830        1781       1957     1.10    576 
   15SSB     158         155        357     2.30     53 
   10SSB      47          47        140     2.98     14 

 Totals     2554        2500       4612     1.84    794 

    Final Score = 3661928 points.


Radios/Amps - STN-1 TS-930S/HENRY 3K-Premier - Single 3cx1200a7
            - STN-2 TS-930S/HENRY 3KA        - Pair of 3-500z

160 -  Inerted-Vee @ 145'
 80 -  Create Dipole @ 150', Three half-wave sloping dipoles from 145'
       sloped to the NE, NW and S.
 40 - 2/2 40-2CD @ 150'/70' bottom fixed NE(europe), Dipole @ 70'
 20 - 4/2(broken)/4 204ba @ 158'/105'/53' bottom two fixed NE.
 15 - 5/5/5 155ca @ 135'/90'/45' bottom two fixed NE.
 10 - 105ca @ 145'

 10-15-20 - TH7 @ 60'

The bands.

160 - Why?

80 - It was very noisy on 80 meters this year - We need to work on 
     our receive antennas. As a result we did not work much on this 

40 - We really tried to milk this band out - but we did not have much
     luck in getting answers to our CQs to europe.  This band was much
     better to europe in ARRL but my guess is that is because they
     are not working eachother in ARRL.  Our runs to JA were about
     normal and this really helped our points.  In fact this was our
     best point band.  With the MUF going low after dark - never was
     able to work much stateside on this band.

20 - Russ (AA5RB) Started the contest on this band.  He had 218 qsos
     by 01z.  His best 60 mins was 226 from 0004-0104z. His next
     hour was a 159 - it sure was fun having the biggest number in
     the states for awhile.  Being in Texas we just dont ever get
     the good europe runs - so we worked alot of usa on this band 
     and you can tell it from the points.  DF4TD was giving us
     a hard time about having to call us for more than 30 mins
     from Germany in the arrl ssb test - we kept telling him that
     20m is really tough from W5.  We sat him down on sat. morning
     and let him "run" europe - when he had had enough he said that
     he *now* understood what we meant.  He never said another word
     about us having trouble hearing him in arrl. :-)

15 - This band never did open to europe - we did manange to run
     a few JA stations but that path was poor also.  In ARRL this 
     band was pretty good and we had the high numbers - but not this

10 - Lots of strong LU stations - good signals from the south
     on both days. 

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0    63    74  1067    29     0   1233
  VE calls    =      0    17    32   161     4     0    214
  N.A. calls  =      0    10    11    36    20     1     78
  S.A. calls  =      0     3    18    39    62    46    168
  Euro calls  =      0     3    32   239     0     0    274
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     1    11    12     0     24
  Asia calls  =      0     0    10    55     0     0     65
  JA calls    =      0     1   219   128    18     0    366
  Ocen calls  =      0     1    22    45    10     0     78

  Unknowns    =      0     0     0     0     0     0      0

  Total calls =      0    98   419  1781   155    47   2500


George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.  "You don't need an antenna that big to work 40 meters."
WB5VZL                   -Local ham upon seeing the N5AU 40m yagi-
geoiii at bga.com

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