Greg Fields aa0ob at skypoint.com
Sun Aug 18 11:36:00 EDT 1996

Call:    AA0OB
Name:    Greg
Sectoin: MN
Hours:   10

Band    QSO's   Mults   Ant's  
160     1       1       80 meter dipole at 25 feet
80      57      31      80 meter dipole at 25 feet
40      133     45      sloper off of roof tower at 30 feet
20      232     43      Explorer 14 tribander at 33 feet                
15      64      25      same            
10      165     25      same    
       -----   -----
        652  x  170 = 110,840

Rig:    1000D 150 watts
S/W:    NA

Comments: Boy, conditions were great! Much better than CW. Ten
really opened up to the South and East here for several hours.
Low points: S5 line noise on 10 that the noise blanker wouldn't 
even touch. I could tell there were many calling but, I couldn't
get copy through the noise. It would kill me to run across my
friend Jeff, AA0SQ, and hear him whipping them off and pulling 
ahead of me on 10! Next low point: Having to quit during prime
time to go to a birthday BBQ for over a hour. I comtemplated not
showing up but, knew the pain that I would feel from the XYL would
be more horrible than missing some Q's! Fourtunatly she allowed me
to make only a brief appearance. She did say even after explaining it
to the party goers why I rushed in and out, they still had a blank look
on thier face. Wendy, my XYL, explained to them that contesting is 
temporary insanity that infects hamsters, her pet term for us, on
certain weekends. It is best to just throw food down to the 
basement and try not to look the infected hamster directly in the
eye for fear the insanity could spread. (She has learned to accept
all this with quite a sense of humor.) High point: Having a 90 Q 
hour, my best from my own station! 

What a great time!


Greg AA0OB

Greg Fields AA0OB
aa0ob at skypoint.com
Minneapolis, Minnesota

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