AA4NC at aol.com AA4NC at aol.com
Sun Dec 8 18:15:43 EST 1996

Was like two contests in one. Wish it had ended after Friday night. 
I think W4QRO lent out all of his amplifiers this weekend! K4PB is
practically within sight of me, running a KW, and there were several stations
on that were consistently louder than him!!

Probably the worst conditions I've ever encountered in a 160 contest due to
constant rain and S9+20dB static on the second day...
Saturday was absolutely the most miserable I've ever been in a contest. I
must be insane to keep doing this!! Did get some good reading in when the
rate went down to between 12-18 an hour though...

My apologies for being an alligator. Sorry to all the people I couldn't hear
that I know were calling...   
1031 Qs x 24 countries x 71 sections = 205,010
19 hours 

FT990 / AL1200
Inverted vee at 115'

My monster killer EWE receiving antenna was on the ground due to tower work
in progress. It worked the same as when up in the air -it still sucked. 

I'm sure we'll have great conditions next weekend for the 10m festival ...

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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