K4LT 160 Score M/S

Douglas L. Klein, K4LT k4lt at fuse.net
Mon Dec 9 20:06:38 EST 1996

Jim, W9VNE & I operated the contest from my new qth here in Northern
Kentucky.  It is out in the country, and proved to me nearly noise free!

Much can be said for a quiet location.  The nearest power lines are over
200 feet away (and buried at that).  One house is located with 500 feet
of the property.  The rest is wide open farm land.  Actually, hills. 
And a few cows.  

I can actually brag that we hear much better than we transmit.  We only
ran about 400 to 500 watts with a single 3-500Z running very
conservatively.  Stations on Sunday morning were like listening to 20
meters.  KL7Y was calling cq - all alone.  No takers.

We had no beverages.  Just a VNE special.  325' of wire in a V
configuration with the apex at about 80' in a big tree.  Tuned with a
Dentron matchbox.  

We did not have the thing tuned up until Saturday, so missed the great
opening on Friday night to Europe.  Either the opening was poorer on
Saturday evening/night... or the antenna was not working properly: 
There were next to NO signals from EU Saturday night in N. Kentucky. 
TK5NN and GW6J were the only ones worked.  Where was GM3POI, Clive?

Totals for K4LT M/S

588 qsos  (about 12 hours total on time), 72 sections, and 5 countries.

Score - 91,938.

Operators - W9VNE, K4LT (ex-WD8AUB)

73, Doug K4LT

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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