W1SJ 160m SOHP Score

Mitchell Stern WB2JSJ at vbi.champlain.edu
Fri Dec 13 02:55:58 EST 1996

W1SJ 160 Meter Contest Results  SOHP

1094 Q       2341 PTS     72 SEC + 24 DX = 96 M

claimed score:  224,736

Xcvr:  TS830s     (only ONE radio)
Power: 1000 watts (only ONE amplifer)
Ant:   1/2 dipole (only ONE stinkin' antenna)
       50' high

Wow, the band was intense.  I knew something was different
when I heard guys warming up at 20:30 on Friday!

Unlike the hazy, lazy days during the sunspot maximum, this
was battle.  Countless times folks attempted to "share" the
frequency.  Thank you for trying to keep me company!  Plain
fact was that we just ran out of band!

Missed MT, SB, SJV, SF, PR and NWT.  I suspect they were
calling CQ somewhere and I didn't find them.

Highlight was having KL7Y call me at 12:12 Saturday, after
the sun came up.  I heard him again Sunday morning.  I've
only heard Alaska once before in 20 years!

The DX Police "chased" me out of the Window, while I was on
1828.7 KHz.
Wait, I thought the window was 1830-1835.
Maybe there's a different Window?

The advantage Vermont has over the rest of New England is
that we don't get much snow here anymore (skiing, anyone?).
While the rest of New England got dumped on Friday night,
with the static and power outages, it was very quiet here.
Saturday was another story..

The new callsign worked great!  Very rhythmic, no one asked
for fills.  Unfortunately, a lot more people trying to work
me for dupes.  Maybe they liked the callsign?  I suspect
with that really long 2x3, everyone remembered it.
Now I'm just one of the countless 1x2s!  Oh, well!

Don't think I have too much trouble with a crowded band on
10m this w/e!


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