N5JA 10M M/S HP Mixed

Jon Barclay N5JA N5JA at contesting.com
Mon Dec 16 00:33:58 EST 1996

Multi-op N5JA High-power Mixed-mode
1996 ARRL 10-Meter Contest

      QSOs   Countries   States
      ====   =========   ======
CW     349       12        42
SSB    785       22        41
      ----   ---------   ------
      1134       34        83     =  347,958 points

(Preliminary-- I don't know if it scored the /T and /N
stations correctly)

Operators:  N5JA (Jon) + KS5C (Jack) + AC5FW (Dale)

Antennas wouldn't turn (4-ele/16' boom at 55' fixed NW,
5-ele/30' boom at 80' broke rotator fixed NE) but we decided
to get on and let the locals get in some air time.

When it was good, it was VERY good (Sunday morning), but
when it was bad... well... at least it got cool outside so
we could enjoy burning up the kilowatt hours.

Rain static and thunderstorms added excitement Sunday
morning, and tested our resolve to stay on the air-- but we

Sunday evening we could barely hear ZK1DI off the back of
the beam, but not well nearly enough to work him off the
back.  Almost talked myself into climbing the tower in near-
reezing drizzle to point the beam SW, but then the drizzle
turned into a downpour.

OK, now I know how 10M is without sunspots-- I'm ready to
see how it is WITH sunspots next year!

73, it was fun anyway.

Jon A. Barclay  N5JA  (ex-AA5BL)
N5JA at contesting.com

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