KC3PZ 10M SO/LP SSB only

Greg Altig n5okr at erols.com
Mon Dec 16 22:31:11 EST 1996

 Call      Hrs     Score    Qs    Pts   Sec  DX
KC3PZ    28 hrs   65,880   549   1098   46   14

(posted for my cyber-challenged friend, Bob)

73 de Greg
        _  ______________________________________________  _
       / )| Greg Altig, CWO2 USN      N5OKR/EA7HAL/ZB2JL |( \
      / / |    Libertytown, MD         Proud to be PVRC  | \ \
    _( (_ |        "De Recta Non Tolerandum Sunt"        | _) )_
   (((\ \>|_/->______________________________________<-\_|</ /)))
   (\\\\ \_/ /                                        \ \_/ ////)
    \       /                                          \       /
     \    _/                                            \_    /
     /   /                                                \   \

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