N0AX ARRL SO-LP Assisted
H. Ward Silver
hwardsil at seattleu.edu
Mon Feb 19 08:42:34 EST 1996
Category : Single-Op, Low-Power, Assisted (Multi-Op)
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Countries
160CW 12 12 36 7
80CW 48 47 138 17
40CW 94 94 279 41
20CW 371 365 1095 73
15CW 51 48 144 25
10CW 14 14 42 6
Totals 590 580 1734 169
Final Score = 293046 points.
Soapbox Comments
Oh, was this the ARRL DX contest? I thought it was the East Coast -
Europe QSO Party ;-) Cheer up, it can only get better from here. We had
a little bitty EU opening on Sunday. For you guys on the Atlantic
Seaboard, turn the beams southwest and put on the attenuator...that's all
we got...but it was exciting when it happened. Funny thing, contesting,
it's always a relative thing to get excited about stuff that would be a
disaster at the cycle peak.
High points - getting through that Sunday Pileup (tm) on S92SS with my
peanut whistle, several new ones on 160, happening on 5N3/SP5XAR up in the
weeds just before AC1O posted him to the East Coast GigaCluster, being
KH6CC's first 6-band QSO.
Close Calls - dismissed the 9R1A spot as a typo on 9A1A until I noticed
the comment "Zaire", almost missed our mighty one-half-hour 10m opening.
Low points - sleeping on Saturday night, instead of Sunday...condx were
much better the second night (moral - don't sleep), otherwise a decent
time was had by all. Listening to the basketball game on the second rig
helps while away those low-rate hours ;-)
Best Ears - EA8EA on 80, the only African worked on this band
Biggest Sig-to-Ears ratio - IQ4A on any band, those must be 300 Metric watts!
Most Tolerant - either S92SS or KP2/KE2VB
Equipment - FT-990 & IC735, TR-Log 5.58
160-m Inverted L with more wires added Fri (just
temporary, honey)
80-m half-slopers, boy, do those things work!
40-m 402-CD @ 50', boy, does that thing work!
20-10, 2-ele cubical quad @ 50', a proven performer
Thanks to all the guys on the NW DX Cluster - it was a real pleasure
having the gang to BS with during the wee hours. I sure appreciate the
spots and was glad to provide a few for you. Even though there's no
"low-power assisted" category, it would have been much less fun doing it
without the packet link.
73, Ward N0AX
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