sellington sellington at ssec.wisc.edu
Tue Feb 20 09:27:09 EST 1996

K9MA 1995 ARRL CW DX Contest
Single Operator, Unassisted, 1.5 KW  

     band      QSOs     points    mults
     ----      ----     ------    -----
     160         38       114       24
      80        121       363       49
      40        113       339       46
      20        767      2301       89
      15         55       162       30
      10          4        12        3
     ----      ----     ------    -----
     TOTAL     1098      3666      241      SCORE: 793,854
Equipment:  FT-1000D, AL-82, SB-220

Antennas:  TH-7 at 70 ft, 40 M rotatable dipole at 75 ft, tower shunt fed 
           on 80 and 160.  Phased RX loops for 80 and 160.  


Considering the K index and sunspot count, we really can't complain.  20
was really in pretty good shape, a good thing.  Signals from EU weren't often
very strong, but the openings were very long.

High Points of Contest:  

  Working VK5GN long path on 40, with daylight at both ends.

  Working S92SS on 15 right after W3LPL, with everyone in the pile patiently
  waiting while S92SS got his paddle unstuck. 

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