Guzman Colon, Eric M. KP4TK at SARK.UPR.CLU.EDU
Tue Feb 20 17:29:59 EST 1996

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1996
      Call: KP4VA (KP4TK, op)        Country: Puerto Rico
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator Low Power
      160        3        9           3
       80      446     1338          52
       40      899     2697          56
       20     1009     3027          55
       15     1032     3096          58
       10       25       75           8
     Totals   3414    10242         232  =   2,376,144

Equipment Description:
        TS-830s @ 100w (NO Filter, ouchhh!!)
        A4S @ 85ft                10-15-20m
        D40 Dipole @ 110ft        40m
        80m Inv V apex @ 140ft    80,160m

        - Thanks all for QSOs. Worked a lot of "reflectorians"
        - Probably this was my last ARRL CW from KP4VA, graduation
        is getting closer. I am very sad cuz couldn't improve my
        last year score. It's hard to do due to condx.
        - The competition started terrific, 210Qs the first hour.
        My personal best!
        - The mornings were the borest of the weekend. I had never seen
        the 20m band so crowded. Saturday I called CQ at 14.085! 
        and Sunday, couldn't find a clear freq to call CQ, so S&P. 
        - Got a short-but-loud opening in 10m Saturday that didn't 
        happened Sunday. On Sunday afternoon, I found NP4A calling
        CQ with no takers. Boy, that really means the band was closed!
        - VQ9DX (AA5DX) called me on 15m. I though it was another
        of those crazy VE calls! ( My mind switch was not in the 
        "DX-call-recognition" position! ). The rate was not good so
        I started to chat with him.

        CU on phone. We are plannig a M/S with several students including
        some YL's! We hope to hear you all again. 73's

Eric M. Guzman, KP4TK
KP4TK at

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