Patrick J. Korkowski pkorkows at
Sun Jan 21 03:11:46 EST 1996

   Callsign used = W0HSC
   Band     QSO's  Mults  Dupes
   160        0      0      0
    80        0      0      0
    40       28     18      0
    20       28     13      0
    15        0      0      0
    10        0      0      0

   All       56     31      0

Total Score:  56 QSO's * 31 Mults = 1736 Points

Power Output:  100 Watts

Hours of operation:  19:24-23:24,  4 Hours

Operators:  KB0IHM and N0OXI
Location:  Fargo, ND
Class:  Single transmitter with multiple ops.

Club: North Dakota State University Amateur Radio Society

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated my transmitter within
the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and 
regulations of the contest:

Signature:  Pat Korkowski, KB0IHM    Date: 1/21/96

The sad part is that we really were trying.

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