Jeffrey Yeager jnyeager at southern.edu
Sun Jan 21 17:14:52 EST 1996

Call Used: KQ4HC
Location: GA

Band        QSO       MULT
160         47         22     inv-L
80         187         42     dipole @ 60
40         140         44     dipole @ 50
20          90         33     TH-6 @ 55
15          52         15
10           9          5
         525           161     Score 84,525

Team:  Tenn Contest Group
Rigs: 737, 761

Tried the 2 rig thing for the first time.  Need new software and more
practice to make the most of it.  It did help on the high bands but the
weaker signals on low band and lack for filtering made it almost a waste
of time on 40 at nite and 75/160.

Score may have been better if I had gone to 160 earlier but was having 
to much fun on 75.

73 Jeff KQ4HC
jnyeager at southern.edu

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