NAQP SSB Results

Bruce Horn bhorn at
Mon Jan 22 08:20:18 EST 1996

NAQP SSB Results:

Call:  WA7BNM                  Category: Single Op
Location: S.Calif              Exchange: Bruce, CA
Duration: 10 hours             Team: SCCC 1

Band     Q      M
 160     9      3
  80    73     24
  40   140     38
  20   284     52
  15   311     40
  10     1      1
       818    158   =   129,244

Started the contest on 15-meters with a great 2:54 run. Had
rates of 113/h and 120/h, followed by 77 in the final 54 minutes
of the run and was called by a 9Q and a ZS6. After seeing everyone's
low Qs on 15m in the CW version, I didn't expect much during the SSB.

Had a good time and a personal best. Can't ask for more than that
I guess.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at

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