James Cullum jcullum at micron.com
Mon Jan 22 10:52:27 EST 1996

                    1996 NCJ NORTH AMERICAN QSO PARTY
     Call used: AB7CZ                                    Location: ID
     Category: Single Operator             Mode: SSB     Power: 150W
     Callsign of Operator: AB7CZ 
     Hours of Operation: 03:02
     band      QSOs     points    mults
     160          0         0        0
      80         19        19        7
      40         28        28       17
      20         38        38       18
      15         21        21       13
      10          0         0        0
     TOTAL      106       106       55      SCORE: 5,830
     Rig FT-890, HF6VX, NA, Heil Proset HC-4.
     Comments:  I spent the first part of the contest soldering
     up a computer interface for the FT-890.  The time was
     wasted as the interface will change frequencies, but it
     doesn't seem to change bands very well.  I ended up disabling
     it and I guess I will have to sit down and debug the wiring.
     Anyhow, not enough time as per usual (insert standard excuses
     here:  family, house projects, etc...).  Things for next time:
     more time, more aluminum, a real SSB filter for the FT-890
     (or a ft1000mp in its place!)...

73, Jim   jcullum at micron.com

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