CQ 160 CW score

Jay O'Brien - W6GO w6go at netcom.com
Mon Jan 29 11:33:24 EST 1996

Sorry of this is a second copy of this message.  I believe my ISP
had a problem, so I am resending it.

   CQ 160 METER CONTEST -- 1996  CW
   W6GO "Multi-op". Operators: W6GO & packet

   309     840      55      13    =   57,120

   Operating time: 15 hours (not a full time effort)
   Worked all states. W1CEK (ME) was #50.

See my posting to Contest reflector about my indavertant operation 
in the DX window after midnight (0800Z) on the second day.  That 
message also contains information about a FT1000D polling problem 
that contributed.

Truly a "gentleman's band".  Even those who told me I was in the DX 
window were polite.  Maybe they wouldn't have been polite if I didn't 
move immediately, but I didn't stick around to find out!

73, Jay
    w6go at netcom.com

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