WB0OLA IARU CW Only SOLP Score and Comments

Jim Walter 76353.1416 at compuserve.com
Tue Jul 16 00:16:37 EDT 1996

                      IARU HF Championship -- 1996

      Call: WB0OLA                   Country:  United States
                                     Category: Single Operator Low Power
                                               CW ONLY


      160        0        0     0.00      0      0
       80       12       36     3.00      3      0
       40      142      420     2.96      7      3
       20      153      505     3.30     15      7
       15       40      116     2.90      8      2
       10       18       52     2.89      6      3

     Totals    365     1129     3.09     39     15

                 Score: 60,966 points

All reports sent were 59(9), Zone 8, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:  TS-440S, 100 Watts; Carolina Windom @ 40', R-5
                        CT 9.26

Club Affiliation: Society of Midwest Contesters

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _____James A. Walter_____________


               James A. Walter  WB0OLA
               1515 Lawndale
               Elkhart, IN 46514  
               76353.1416 at compuserve.com

Comments: Once again a slight improvement over last year.  I operated 11.7
          hours and had a great time.  Managed to work a half dozen
          Europeans on 10 meters.  I don't know how they heard me as they
          were just above the noise threshold of my receiver.  Most came
          back with my call correctly on the first try.

          I did manage to work several of the WRTC'ers.  Like someone else
          commented, I can't believe their QSO totals when they weren't
          overly strong here.  Now I know exactly what everyone else has to
          deal with when they work my low power setup.  Obviously large QSO
          totals are possible from a LP station, guess the key is practice,
          practice, practice.  I'm looking forward to the next NA QSO Party
          where the playing field is somewhat level with regards to input

          One thing I'm curious about is how others continent statistics
          broke down comparing this year to last.  Last year 65% North
          America, 29% Europe.  This year 85% North America, 11% Europe.

          Worked N4BP on 5 bands, thanks Bill.  Finally worked Nebraska to
          complete my WAS.

          See you in the QSO Party.  73...Jim, WB0OLA

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