Field Day: YCCC summary

frenaye at frenaye at
Sun Jun 30 16:53:11 EDT 1996

                         Yankee Clipper Contest Club
                         1996 Field Day involvement

YCCC did not do a "traditional" Field Day effort this year (as is usual).
Instead we decided to document the participation of YCCC members in other
club's Field Day efforts.

The list below includes the callsigns of those who reported activity with
local clubs.  In addition to the 70+ YCCC members noted, several others were
active on their own in portable and home station operation.  Note the list
includes eight YCCCers who were FD chairman or co-chairman!  (AA1ON K1BG

We're hoping that our efforts to help local clubs with our expertise in
contest-style operating will also help us locate prospective YCCC members.

73 Tom  K1KI
President YCCC

YCCCer       Club                     FD call        Volunteer job
------       --------------           -------        --------------
AA1CE        Blackstone Valley ARC    W1DDD
AA1KY        Framingham ARA           W1FY
AA1ON        Framingham ARA           W1FY           FD co-chairman
AA2DU        Westchester Emerg CommAssn N2SF         Hired gun
AA2MF        Staten Island ARA        W2CWW
K1BG         Nashoba Valley ARC       K1BG           FD chairman
K1CC         Meriden RC               W1NRG
K1DW         Hebron Allstars WG       K1DW           FD chairman
K1EBY        Hebron Allstars WG       K1DW
K1FWF        Billerica ARS            NO1A
K1HI         Nashua ARC               N1NH/N1ONC     20 SSB captain
K1JKS        Norwood ARC              K1JMR
K1KI         Cayman ARS               ZF2KI
K1KP         HP Andover RC            W1HJS
K1MBO        Acton-Boxborough ARC*    W1UC/KB1BOU
K1TO         Sarasota Emerg Comms     WB4NJV
K1TWF        Billerica ARS            NO1A
K1XM         Billerica ARS            NO1A
K1YDG        Acton-Boxborough ARC*    W1UC/KB1BOU
K2LE         Order of Boiled Owls     N2FF
K2LUQ        Staten Island ARA        W2CWW          PR/Control Opr
K2ONP        Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS    80/20 CW captain
K2SHL        Order of Boiled Owls     N2FF
K2SX         Order of Boiled Owls     N2FF
K2TE         Nashua ARC               N1NH/N1ONC     80 CW captain
K2TR         Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS
K2XA         Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS    40 SSB captain
K5ZD         Framingham ARA           W1FY
K8JLF        Framingham ARA           W1FY           FD co-chairman
KA1CZF       Shoreline ARC            W1BCG          Operator scheduling
KA1DWX       Acton-Boxborough ARC*    W1UC/KB1BOU    FD chairman
KA1FMR       Great Bay RA             WB1CAG         FD committee member
KA1T         Nashua ARC               N1NH/N1ONC     10 CW captain
KA1ZNZ       Eastern CT ARA           K1MUJ
KA2WEI       Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS    Satellite captain
KB2FD        Nashua ARC               N1NH/N1ONC
KB2HUN       Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS
KE6BER       Mohawk ARC               KB1BPI
KJ4KB        Newington ARL            W1OKY          FD committee member
KQ1F         Billerica ARS            NO1A
KZ1M         Eastern CT ARA           K1MUJ          FD chairman
N1AU         Acton-Boxborough ARC*    W1UC/KB1BOU
N1CC         Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS    FD chairman
N1KWJ        Newington ARL            W1OKY
N1LJA        Newington ARL            W1OKY
N1OEK        HP Andover RC            W1HJS
N1OPZ        Eastern CT ARA           K1MUJ
N1RWM        Billerica ARS            NO1A
N1SR         Cape Breton Group        VE1EES
N2AIF        Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS
N2DU         Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS
N2FF         Order of Boiled Owls     N2FF
N2UN         Order of Boiled Owls     N2FF
N6BV         Nashua ARC               N1NH/N1ONC
NB1B         Framingham ARA           W1FY
NB1U         Blackstone Valley ARA    W1DDD          CW chairman
NE1V         Nashua ARC               N1NH/N1ONC
NO1A         Billerica ARS            NO1A           FD chairman
W1BK         Acton-Boxborough ARC*    W1UC/KB1BOU
W1FJ         Androscoggin RC          W1NPP
W2AX         Order of Boiled Owls     N2FF
WA1HYN       Eastern CT ARA           K1MUJ          40m band captain
WA1TET       Billerica ARS            NO1A           Site manager/host
WA1TTE       Acton-Boxborough ARC*    W1UC/KB1BOU
WA4VKD       Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS
WB2KDD       Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS
WG2E         Albany Area RA           K2CT/WD2AJS
WO1P         Candlewood ARA           W1QI
WS1E         Nashua ARC               N1NH/N1ONC     40m CW captain
WT1T         Billerica ARS            NO1A
WW1M         Kettle Moraine RA        N9KS           75/20 SSB captain

* Combined effort with Colonial Wireless

E-mail: frenaye at  
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444

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