Aurelio Bellussi aurelio at esrac.ele.tue.nl
Mon Mar 4 16:16:13 EST 1996

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1996

      Call: PI4TUE(=PA3EZ            Country:  The Netherlands
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Op, Single Band,


      160        0        0           0
       80        0        0           0
       40        0        0           0
       20      687     2061          57
       15        0        0           0
       10        0        0           0

     Totals    687     2061          57  =   117,477

Equipment Description: 

Rig:	TS850SAT
Amp:	SB220, modified (400 Watt out)
Ant:	FB33 3 element 3 band YAGI @ 250 Feet above ground level
Soft:	CT 9-13

Since there were no other members willing to join me in this contest I
had to enter as Single Op. Staying all alone in the lonely building of
the department of electrical engineering was not what I had in mind, so
I decided to go single band. 20 meters was an obvious choice.

The first day I operated 6.2 hours: 455 QSO's and 55 mult's. "Not bad"
I thought. Sunday should be fun. I still needed NM, NV, ND, WY, LAB, NWT.

Then came day two. I started at 11:30 UTC, 06:30 local on the East-Coast. 
The stations with the stacks were well above S5 at that time. Very soon
after I started to call CQ on 14291 the QRM built up to an exceptional 
high level. I was amazed by the number of EU's that came into my RX window.
Either they did not hear me or wanted to push me aside... hmmm 
Anyhow the next couple of hours the QSO rate was way down compared to 
saterday: average of 30 (last 10) to 90 on saterday. It was a constant 
struggle of keeping my frequency until OH3LX showed up just 200-300 Hz 
below me. He was a S9 signal. He noticed I would not move so he QSY'ed
200-300 Hz above my QRG making it even harder for me to work anyone. After
20 minutes   I gave up since my rate was very low. On 14316 I found a 
clear spot, sort of.. Many I's tried to invade my TX QRG (IR6A and others)
without success. One hour before I closed down I worked two new mult's:
WY and NV. I noticed that the CA opening was very weak, only a handfull
sign's from CA. Saterday at least 50 were logged. All and all 687 Q's at
closing time. 

Thanks to everyone who logged PI4TUE. CU in WPX SSB 1996!

73 de Aurelio
pa3ezl at esrac.ele.tue.nl

*   Aurelio M.M. Bellussi,       PA3EZL/AA2WH                *
*                    E-mail:     a.m.m.bellussi at stud.tue.nl  *
*                           OR   pa3ezl at esrac.ele.tue.nl     *
*                    AX25-mail:  pa3ezl at on5vl.#lg.bel.eu     *
*   Graduate student at Eindhoven University of Technology   *
*   department of Electrical Engineering.                    *

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