KB1GW - ARRL DX phone (long).
Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW
gswanson at arrl.org
Mon Mar 4 11:22:00 EST 1996
Call: KB1GW Country: United States
Mode: SSB Category: Single Unlimited
(Class: Single Op, Assisted, High Power, All bands.)
160 0 0 0.0 0
80 95 285 3.0 45
40 48 144 3.0 28
20 507 1521 3.0 82
15 73 219 3.0 33
10 0 0 0.0 0
Totals 723 2169 3.0 188 = 407,772
*** Operated for 21 hours, total time.
All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.
Equipment Description:
Transceiver - Kenwood TS-850S/AT
Amplifier - Heathkit SB-220
Antennas: 10/15/20 - Cushcraft A3S tribander (@ approx. 35')
40 - low dipole
80 - Ground-mounted, 1/4-wave vert.
160 - low dipole
Computer: A 386 PC running CT software, version 9.27
(And a borrowed K1EA DVK card--TNX K1TO!)
Club Affiliation: YCCC
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.
Signature ___Glenn Swanson, KB1GW___
Glenn Swanson KB1GW
27 Lakeview Blvd.
Avon, CT 06001
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Wow, was 20 meters crowded! (Understatement of the year!!)
Apologies to ON4UN, but, trying to find (make) a hole in the mass
of folks calling CQ from Europe was a complete "challenge,"
...even from here in New England! The combination of a 1.8-kHz
SSB filter and the slope tuning of the '850 helped some, however.
* The power reports I received were fun--among others:
CT1BOH - "1379" Watts; I2CZQ - "70" W; EA4AAK - "60" W;
YT1U F - "50" W; DL1AQU - "40" W; G0VHT "30" W;
DK3GJ - "15" W; PY7ZAQ - "12" W; G0OMS - "10" W;
OD1DKS - "5" W; S59D -- "5" W and, G0SCV - "4" Watts.
* No Qs on 160--wish the (borrowed) SB-220 had a 160-m position!
(TNX to KB1HY for letting me use his SB-220 amplifier!)
* Need better 40 and 160 antennas--plan to put up a 160-m inverted L.)
* Oh, 10 meters? Forget it--maybe in a couple of years...
* Overall, I had an absolute blast!
73! Glenn, KB1GW
kb1gw at arrl.org
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