N2IC/0 ARRL Phone M/S

LondonSM n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com
Mon Mar 4 08:58:13 EST 1996

N2IC/0 (+K0KR)

ARRL DX Phone - Multi-Single (QTH: Colorado)

Band  QSO  Countries

160    30      23    1/4 wavelength sloper
 80    90      51    1/4 wavelength vertical with 4 elevated radials
 40   383      60    3 element KLM @ 115'
 20   871     109    Stacked KT-34XA's @ 115', 65'
 15   135      51         "
 10    81      25         "

     1590     319    ===>  1,520,673 points

600' beverages NE, E, SE, SW, NW
KT-34A @ 110'

160: Worked everything we heard.  Only EU was TM1C (very strong Friday night),
EI7M and CT8T.  No VK or ZL.  Where was HC8N ?

80: Very poor to EU Friday night - only a few stations worked at EU sunrise.
 When ON4UN CQ's in your face, you know it's going to be a long night !
 Slightly better Saturday night, but many normally easy countries never heard,
such as G, EI7M, OZ.  The best EU opening of the weekend was 30 minutes before
sunset Saturday evening, but we didn't want to break off the 20 meter JA run.
 Big mistake !  Congratulations to RW2F on improving their 80 meter RX - worked
them on both phone and CW.  On the other hand, IO5A is deaf !  Excellent JA
opening Sunday AM, but very poor activity from JA.  H44MS and VS6WO were nice
mults Sunday AM.

40: Just like 80, the northern half of EU was gone.  The Italians, TM1C, TM2Y,
S59DBC and S59POM were always loud, while nothing was heard from G and DL until
the last few minutes of the contest.  Fine JA openings both nights kept 40 from
being a total disaster.  Absolutely no LP either morning.

20: Good JA run the first 1.5 hours, then a dead band.  Excellent opening to
VK/ZL both nights around 0600Z.  EU started opening around 1130Z (2 hours
before sunrise) with loud SM/OH stations.  By sunrise, the band was runnable,
if only we could find a hole !  The early-than-usual opening allowed us to work
some unusual Asians, such as 4X, A92Q, XW.  Saturday evening was a repeat of
Friday - more JA's then a dead band by 0200Z.  Sunday was much poorer to EU -
 band dead until 1400Z, then only runnable for about 30 minutes around 17Z.

15: Made a mistake of passing up JA's the first few minutes of the contest (if
only this contest used the CQWW M/S rules !).  Never heard JA after that.  Only
EU Saturday was EA, CT, I and TM1C.  No other EU heard or worked !  Stations
only 40 miles south of us heard several more countries.

10: Nice opening Sunday afternoon for about an hour.  In addition to the usual
stuff, worked KH6, ZL and FO.  Congratulations to the LU's for the tremendous
increase in activity over the past few years.

Could someone describe the TM1C antenna setup ?  They really were a beacon on
160 through 15 meters.  Only TM2Y comes close in signal strength.  All other
F's were down 10 dB.

The HF packet backbone on 10135 kHz seems to be defunct.  I hoped W6GO would
stay up for the contest, but he shut down Friday afternoon. Has everyone else
gone to using internet for packet spots ?  It's tough depending on only the
local packet cluster when W0CP is the only other local station taking the
contest seriously.  I would gladly exchange a few of my contest operating
"secrets" for your packet networking "secrets" !

26.6 % EU
36.6 % JA

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