KS9K M-2 ARRL Phone

KS9K Paul Hellenberg paulh at truline.com
Thu Mar 7 16:27:30 EST 1996

KS9K Multi-2   ARRL SSB

  54   40
 277   80
 255   85
1399  138
 193   68
  45   16
2220   427     2.843 M


Radio's  2 FT1000MP's 2 FT1000's , 6 Home-brew amp's.

Highlights and low lites. 
Lots of mult's  on the low band's. 15M and 10M makes me wonder if all
the modeling  on the computer of big new 4 stacks is just a waste of  
time and effort????

To make matters worse I had to take time to repair a 10M Amp Sat during
the Day. I sure am glad I learned how to build and fix amps.  

I also discovered the rotator for the 15M tower had broken another pin ,
and the indicator said we were rotating the tower,  but in fact we were
beaming west . WE worked about 50 country's in the Carb, SA and Africa
with the antenna WEST!!!!. Talk about the hard WAY!!!! I discovered it about 
3 PM Sat.  The Rotator was scheduled for updating anyway. Sunday was some 
better as we installed ring rotators on the top antenna for 20M and 15M last
and were able to Rotate the top antenna which allowed us to survive the rest of
the contest.

Lots of projects for the year and the beat goes on.

73 Paul KS9K
KS9K Paul Hellenberg
Tru Line Lithograhing Inc. 414 554 7300 X125  Fax 414 554 8217   Home 414
554 9170

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