CQWW SSB EA8ZS M/S Breakdown by band

roberto_diaz ea4dx at redestb.es
Mon Nov 4 23:25:35 EST 1996

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       Call: EA8ZS                    Country:  Canary Is.
       Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single

       160       40      111     2.78      6      33
        80      458     1350     2.95     22      87
        40     1228     3659     2.98     31     115
        20     1487     4424     2.98     35     132
        15     2140     6355     2.97     33     141
        10      208      571     2.75     23      98
      Totals   5561    16470     2.96    150     606  =>  12,451,320
 All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.
 Operator List: EA8ZS, EA1AK, EA3DU, EA4KR & EA4DX
 Equipment Description:

 ANTENNAS: Monobands on 10,15,20,40 meters - 80 & 160 Dipoles & Slopers
 EQUIPMENT: 2 TS950SDX, 2 TS850S, TR7 & FT890 plus Amplifiers
 Club Affiliation: None
 This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
 my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
 observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.
                        Signature __________________________     
 	QSl via bureau to EA8ZS 

	73 Roberto
| Roberto Diaz    mailto:ea4dx at redestb.es         |       
| http://www.redestb.es/personal/ea4dx/index.htm/ |                  

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Return-Path: <sma at senda.ari.es>
Received: from senda.ari.es ([]) by tb-server.redestb.es
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          for <ea4dx at redestb.es>; Sun, 3 Nov 1996 17:52:43 +0100
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Date: Sun, 03 Nov 1996 17:22:45 +0100
From: Sergio Manrique Almeida <sma at servimail.ari.es>
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To: ea4dx at redestb.es
Subject: EA8ZS
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Hola Roberto, 

ahora voy a mandar nuestra puntuación al reflector 3830.
Esta mañana me enteré del resultado de ZXoF, me he quedado "alucinado".
Adjunto te mando la hoja resumen provisional y el fichero binario, éste
en codificación MIME. La puntuación apenas ha variado después de pasar
el EA8ZS.BIN por el fix_mine, corregir una violación de la regla de los
10 minutos de apenas 30 segundos, y rectificar algunos QSO hechos por la
RUN que constaban como hechos por una MULT y viceversa. Es todo lo que
he tenido que cambiar en el fichero, o sea, poquísimo.

OK sobre tu página Web, FB! Díme si puedes escanear fotos, te enviaría
algunas de las que hice allí por si las querías añadir.

73! Sergio, EA3DU

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                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1996

      Call: EA8ZS                    Country:  Canary Is.
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single


      160       40      111     2.78      6      33
       80      458     1350     2.95     22      87
       40     1228     3659     2.98     31     115
       20     1487     4424     2.98     35     132
       15     2140     6355     2.97     33     141
       10      208      571     2.75     23      98

     Totals   5561    16470     2.96    150     606  =>  12,451,320

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: ______________________________________________________________

Equipment Description:

Club Affiliation: 

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Manuel de Aguilar  EA8ZS
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CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST0OS½q203mÂq204Ëq204I04  K2QILN4DVW 0505 04SN2AIF  Öq2Öq2K8LX 05    14GN4KWSM6DOI 2004    4U/1404çq215m08  14Mellish 15IU2XC    VP8;
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FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com
Sponsored by:             Akorn Access, Inc & KM9P

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