K0WA SS Information (Chuckle)

Lee Buller k0wa at southwind.net
Wed Nov 6 15:04:17 EST 1996

                        1996 ARRL NOVEMBER SWEEPSTAKES
     Call used: K0WA                                           Location: KS

     Category: Multi Operator             Mode: CW              Power: 1500
     Callsign of Operator: K0WA  
     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:
     WA0SXR  W0CEM
     Exchanged Information: nr B K0WA 66 KS  
     Hours of Operation: 23:51
     band      QSOs     points	Multipliers
     160          0          0		0
      80        402        804		9
      40        322        644		10
      20        370        740		56
      15          1          2		1
      10          0          0		0
     TOTAL     1095       2190   X   76 multipliers  =  166,440
  Station Description:

Rig:  TS950 - ETO 76 PA (Three holer)
Antennas:	TH-7DX @ 60 feet
		A3 @ 40 feet (fixed West)
		Two Element 40 meter beam at 75 Feet
		80 meter long wire
		Gap Titan
		40 Meter Loop (Horizontal)
		5/8 wave verticle on 80 meters (listen for us on 160)

Ops:  W0CEM - owner of the station.  John is a retired dentist and keeps us
	fed and watered during the test.  John leaves CW to us, but fixes 
	things when they break.  Joanie, his wife, feeds us like Kings.  Menu
	included Brisket, Baked Potatoes, Corn for dinner, Sausage, Hash Browns
	and Eggs for breakfast with homemade sweet rolls, Deli style Sand-
	witches for Lunch, and steak for the celebration dinner.

	WA0SXR - Section Manger of Kansas.  NTS Net Control for QKS, TEN and 
	CAN.  CW operator's CW operator.  Kansas ham of the Year! (1996).  He 
	is the only guy I know that sees a radio and has to get a contact
	right then.  He is on the air 350 days out of the year.

	K0WA - K0WiseAss.  Continous SS since 1972 from W0QQQ, WA0SWC, WA0TKJ
	AB0S, W0CEM.  Wishes SS happened more than just once a year.  Wife
	is ellated that he is only missing four or five times a year from the
	family unit.  Known as a nice guy...just ask him...he'll tell you!

Stupid Things:

        Couldn't find WY and MB.  DAAARRRRRNNNNNNN!  

Band Conditions:

        80 was great but uncharacteristic
        40 was wierd
        20 was so-so
        15 Found VI - the only station we could hear!

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com
Sponsored by:             Akorn Access, Inc & KM9P

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