Ronald D Rossi
rrossi at btv.ibm.com
Fri Nov 8 16:37:57 EST 1996
Contest Dates : 02-Nov-96, 03-Nov-96, 04-Nov-96
Callsign Used : N1PBT
Operator : N1PBT
Category : SOLP
Default Exchange : # A N1PBT 93 VT
Name : Ronald D. Rossi
Address : RR1 Box 1543
City/State/Zip : Swanton, VT 05488-9713
Country : United States
Team/Club : Burlington ARC (Vermont)
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults Operating Time = 17.8
Times on:
80CW 56 56 112 14 2NOV96 2100 - 3NOV96 0943
40CW 91 89 178 23 3NOV96 1749 - 3NOV96 2100
20CW 100 100 200 26 4NOV96 0108 - 4NOV96 0300
15CW 2 2 4 0
Totals 249 247 494 63
Final Score = 31122 points.
N1PBT VT 31122 247 63 18hrs
Ten-Tec Omni-D at 100W into Butternut HF-6V vertical...that's all.
I would love to add to the plethora of comments made about the contest, but I
must decline in the face of serious work infringing on my time even to compose
simple notes. Anyway no 80m dipole this year...really missed it!! The low
score is due entirely to my still developing CW skills, but there would have
been more 80m in the log with the dipole. Last year phone I had over 250 of
my 535 Qs on 80m with the dipole. I have the antenna ready to go back up, I
only need to have calm winds and some free time coincide.
I am working on improving and this is the highest CW QSO total for me in any
contest. My current work in progress is CW skill improvement. I am going to
try and see y'all on 160 in DEC with a poor signal off the 80m dipole
pretending to be a 160m vertical...SS Phone is not in the cards this year :(
73 de KK1L ex N1PBT...ron (rrossi at btv.ibm.com) <><
Ron Rossi H/P SRAM Engineering -- IBM Microelectronics
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