AB5LX SS Results (long)

J.E. Goldsberry jegold at sat.net
Sat Nov 9 12:28:27 EST 1996

----- Single operator ----- low power ----- unassisted ----- single rig
Operator: AB5LX, Jason
Exchange sent: A AB5LX 92 NTX
Rig: Kenwood 850, 100 watts

Band    QSOs    Mults   Antenna
80      2       1       3 ele. yagi 
40      169     23      dipole
20      167     18      3 ele. yagi
15      108     29      3 ele. yagi + dipole
Totals  446     71      = 63,332 points

Missed: GA (!), MS, OK, NE, PQ, PAC, NWT

        I can't believe I missed GA!  I heard N5FG in MS on 40 with a
howling pileup.  I heard somebody working K5YAA on 40, but I couldn't catch
him.  Heard 2 stations in NE on 40 within 10 minutes of each other, but
couldn't work them either. A KH6 was QRMing me on my run frequency on 40,
but he couldn't seem hear me, even though he did send a ? several times.  I
never did hear NWT.
        I got through tinkering with antennas about 20 minutes before the
contest.  I listened around a bit on 20 before the contest.  Even before the
contest, it sounded like a madhouse with lots of B power stations with huge
yagis.  I decided that 15 didn't sound too bad.  First hour, my best hour,
got 59 QSOs.  I decided to take a small break. (mistake)  The computer
wouldn't mark it as an off time.  I went back to 15, but everybody had
disappeared to 20.  20 was even worse than before the contest.  I went to 40
and worked 6 stations S&P in 8 minutes.  Then I went to 20.  I did some S&P
while looking for a frequency to start my own run. Worked about 20 S&P.
Then 40 became the same madhouse that 20 was.  I alternated between 40 and
20 for a bit.  I decided that a break would do me some good.  It did.  I
then went back to 40 at 0330z.  I poked around a while looking for a clear
frequency.  Ah yes, 7.060 seemed clear and not a person within 1 KHz.  The
computer squawked/echoed a bunch of CQs.  I decided that 060 was a good
freqency and that I shouldn't move even though nobody was answering. I
finally began to get a good run going.  The rate picked up a bit from what
it was even though it didn't really get very good.  I found that my new
dipole is semi-directional.  I worked 30% NE guys during the run.  Not bad
for 40 meters... Also, they seemed loud - most at least 579.  One bad thing
about the dipole... everything to my south had a weak signal with lots of
flutter. Anybody else have this problem? 
        Went to bed at 0632z after picking up some local mults.  Got back up
and made the first QSO at 1555z.  For some strange reason 15 really acted
weird toward me Sunday morning.  I think 15 had already went long before I
woke up.  K8HVT/KP2 and KP4TK were REALLY loud in here.  Took me 10 minutes
to work the KP2.  He just didn't seem to hear me.  (Isn't that
frustrating... somebody 599 + 30DB calling a nice fat CQ, and you come back
and they just keep on calling?)  Decided that 15 was not the band I wanted
to be on after it had gone long.  I went to 20 to check it out.  It sounded
like one huge, loud signal with occasional openings around 14.080 or so.  I
landed somewhere around 14055.  I think somebody from 14066 kept on wiping
me out.  I finally settled around 14043 where I stayed there for a long
time, just being glad that there was finally a hole in the band. The "Last
10" rate meter went up into the 60s again.  That didn't last but for 26 QSOs
because somebody local was really attracting a pileup.  It was to 15, then
40, and back to 20 to do another look for an opening.  Found a good opening
around 14075.  It was very quiet up there, and not may people came.  Back to
15 again at 1854z to see if it brought on any new stations.  It did, mostly
northeastern guys.  Worked about 10 of them before I decided that 15 wasn't
really the band that I wanted to be on.  Worked about 10 more S&P on 20
before I reclaimed my 14075 position and "ran" (walked)  I finally put AA7BG
in the log 2201z after hearing him on 40 and 15 earlier.  A new S&P
technique that I figured out brought that one in.  I got lucky and got
through the N7NG pile on the first try.  After that, I felt like the loudest
station on the band.  Worked about 20 more or so S&P before departing to 40.
It was already filled when I got there at 0043z.  Found a clear spot at 7003
after somebody told me that I was too close to the band edge when I was on
7000.5.  Didn't agree with their 6.999.97 readout, but I moved anyway.  I
got SD to come to me.  Somebody came in with a loud signal on 14005 and
started to QRM me with a pileup. (I guess that is what notch filters are
for.)  I finally gave in and worked the guy... a new mult!  Went back to my
frequency and started CQing again.  Took an 8 minute break.  I decided that
the last hour was going to be devoted to find mults.  When I got back I
found NL7DU on my freqency with a nice signal (569).  Went to 80 to see what
mults. I could find. I believe that KC4ZV must be the only AL SS station on.
Good thing that he has a good antenna...or good ears (or both).  Back to 40
to shoot the breeze and pick up just a few more QSOs.  
        Overall, I had a blast.  Not a bad job for my first SS CW.  I played
around in the phone one last year a bit, but not really a serious effort.
Hope the phone is even better.

Call area       %
1               11
2               11
3               10
4               10
5               5
6               17
7               13
8               9
9               7
0               7                              

73, Jason AB5LX

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