IG9 CQWW96 Scores SSB

Fabio Schettino i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it
Mon Nov 11 23:53:04 EST 1996

Claimed Score of the IG9 activity in the CQWW96 SSB:

Category         Call       QSO   Zone Cty    Score

Single Op. 160m  IG9/IV3TAN 1211  24   101    452.050 New World Record
Single Op. 80m   IG9/I4UFH  1820  32   127    851.763 New World Record
Single Op. 40m   IG9/IT9GSF 2370  33   133  1.174.000
Single Op. 20m   IG9/IK2QEI 2296  37   133  1.149.030
Single Op. 15m   IG9/IT9EQO 1256  31   115    538.302

thank's to everyone has worked us in all band, see you in the CW leg !!

73 de Fabio I4UFH / one of IR4T / KF6FBE

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