Charles Fulp k3ww at fast.net
Tue Nov 19 01:26:41 EST 1996

K3WW Multi Op SS SSB.  Too tired to turn off packet, spent most
of the weekend chatting and chasing leaves around the yard.

Chased down a sweep, called a few CQs, mostly on 75, Sunday AM to
pick up some needed close in sections.  Left 20 and 40 for the guys
that LOVE SS phone.  Avoided 75 in the early evening, for the most
part, to miss the turf protectors.  

Score  256 QSOs   78 Sections  39,936 points  about 7 hours of
fairly casual operation.  Got beat to KH6 by NY3Y, low power, using
my old 4 Element Lightning bolt QUAD.  He beat me several times,
The antenna works better on a hill top than in a valley I guess, 
the Stacked TH6's beat it every time when it was here.  

Ill see everyone in the CQWW CW, going for 48 hours as usual, started
resting up before SS ended for most of you.

73 Chas K3WW

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