SS vs Kidney Stones - WA4ZXA Story

Jimmy R. Floyd floydjr at
Tue Nov 19 11:49:58 EST 1996

I will be posting this one to the contest reflector also because I think
it does hold some worth to the contest community.

Started off SS on 15 as I do about every year. Found the band very long.
Could never really get a run going at all. Worked some 6's and 7's is

So went to 20 meters, Yuck. Darn I hate that band, not as bad as 75 but
there is just no room to operate for a Low Power station. I did finally
find a freq above 14.300. The lucky thing about operating from NC in SS
is that I usually have the beam in the NW. Well lo and behold who calls
me but VY1JA. Glad to get that one out of the way. About 20 minutes later
a KL7 called. Nice to get those out of the way quick. Then about an hour
later a KH6 called. My eyes were really getting wide now. The freq was
getting harder and harder to hold so at 2300 I went to 75. Went by 40 and
it was a rat race. Thought I would come back later to it. Did find a freq
and started some running. About 0700 got a phone call I had to answer and
it took 20 minutes. Thought it would be a good time to grab a bite to eat.

After coming back from eating I found a quite freq. I know that is hard to
believe but I did. I started my run. For three hours I was over 100 q's
and only had on person complain. I was on 3.911 and some guy came down 
and said I was messing a QSO up on 3.913. I explained that I had allowed
them the 1.5kc room which I always try to give. After that I receieved 
several carriers and all. I am an EX Marine and a retired Firefighter 
Paramedic. I am very hard headed and if you do that to me I will not move
if I never make another contact. So with the notch filter I was able to 
keep my run going. I went ahead and worked till about 0700. Time for my
sleep period. Planned on getting up 4 1/4 hours later. With the eating
time earlier that would have gave me 5 hours off.

I have a couch in my shack for sleeping during contests. Laid down and 
about 0900 woke up with this terrible pain. Being a paramedic I assessed
it as a kidney stone. Never had one in my life. I just laid there and 
fought the pain till my wife got up. I told her to take me to ER. It was
a kidney stone and the doctor was going to give me some pain medicine. I
asked him not to make it to strong. I am sure everyone knows why.

So I came back home after loosing two hours of operating and set down to
go at it again. So before anyone says anything, Yes I was under the 
influence of drugs and darn good ones to. I worked the rest of the contest
with pain pills and kidney stones. 

I am well satisfied with my score considering everything. It really seems
that all the hard work on the new tower and antennas are paying off. I 
was wanting to break 200K but maybe next year. 

I do think that I should win the IronMan SS award this year. As I have 
said before you have to dedicate yourself to a contest to make a big 
score and that is the only way I do it. It will make for a good contest
story around the lounge at Dayton next year.

Thanks to everyone who called me and for your patience while I did my best
to hear you. Hurry back Sunspots so we can spread out in contests.

73 Jim

BTW It is Tuesday and still have the stone!!
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

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