K8CC CQWW CW M/M Score & Comments

David Pruett k8cc at ix.netcom.com
Tue Nov 26 17:52:44 EST 1996


Call used:  K8CC
Location: 04
Category:  Multi-Multi Unlimited Mode
CW Power:  1500
Calls of operators:  AC8W

    band    QSOs   points    zones     ctys
    160      131      273       16       56
     80      443     1110       27       87
     40      700     1799       36      107
     20     1468     4251       38      138
     15      722     2036       32      116
     10      117      169       16       34
    TOTAL   3581     9638      165      538         SCORE: 6,775,514

160 Vertical, (2) 880' 2-wire beverages     IC765       PT-2500A
80  Four square                             FT1000D     2K-3
40  3L @ 120', dipole @ 80'                 FT1000D     4-1000A
20  5L/5L @ 120'/60', 204BA @ 80'           IC765       4-1000A
15  5L/5L @ 120'/60', PV-4 @ 60'            IC765       3-1000Z
10  5L/5L @ 100'/60', 4L @ 75'              IC765       8877

First time in quite a while that there was no need to venture outside 
to do impromptu antenna work during the contest.  Grid meter shunt in 
the 20M amp let go early on 1st day, needle made quite a noise banging 
against the stop until the band went dead at night and surgery could be 
performed to disconnect the meter.  At QSO #3447, the 15M computer shut 
down because we forgot to load the XMS driver.  All minor problems to 
be sure...

Biggest improvement came on 160M, where in years past we have 
established quite a reputation as a alligator.  Two new 880' two-wire 
reversible beverages NE/SW and NW/SW solved that problem.  We now feel 
we can hear better than we can transmit which is something new for us.

80M a disappointment - we had 77 countries the first night, but could 
only snag ten more the second.  Condx not as good the second day, with 
gradually building QRN due to approaching storms from the west.

Not sure why, but the 40M country total went right into the tank.  
Missed good long path to deep Asia Sunday AM.  QSO total is typical for 
us - we can't hear the next layer of weak EU despite a full size 3L 
yagi.  Looks like a stack is needed...

20M about the same.  Nick, VA3NA is an absolute "iron man" on this band 
and did a great job with the morning runs.  Lots of mults in last hour 
- three VS6s, V85, XX, BY, but the biggest thrill was finding 3W5FM on 

15M improved in all categories, but no really big runs.  Tower was bent 
this summer due to the tractor colliding with a guy wire and will have 
to be replaced next year.  Looks like an opportunity for bigger and 

No surprise, 10M did not produce any big runs, but we had 50% more 
mults than last year.  S57A @ 1535Z on Sunday was the only European, 
but condx to the Pacific were better than expected.

Several new faces on the crew this time.  We're still learning how to 
do this multi-multi stuff, and this shows in some of the opportunities 
that we missed.  However, everyone on the team got along well and all 
appear eager to do it again in ARRL DX CW '97.  Thanks to everyone for 
their hard work.

73, Dave/K8CC

UTC   160   80   40   20   15   10  rate total
00Z     6   14   41    4    5    1    71    71
01Z     9   22   31    6    0    0    68   139
02Z     5   22   14    6    0    0    47   186
03Z     7   38   11    3    1    0    60   246
04Z     9   35   18    6    0    0    68   314
05Z    13   20   24    2    0    0    59   373
06Z     6   16   41    0    0    0    63   436
07Z    10   11   10    3    0    0    34   470
08Z     7    9   12    1    0    0    29   499
09Z     1    8   11    0    0    0    20   519
10Z     6    5   11   21    0    0    43   562
11Z     2   12   14   22    0    0    50   612
12Z     6    7   10   84   22    0   129   741
13Z     0    7   12  107   60    0   186   927
14Z     0    0   16  109   46    2   173  1100
15Z     0    1    7  113   83    3   207  1307
16Z     0    0    1  101   65    0   167  1474
17Z     0    0    0   96   47    1   144  1618
18Z     0    0    4   63   22    9    98  1716
19Z     0    0   15   57   15    7    94  1810
20Z     0    4   39   37   19    3   102  1912
21Z     3    1   47   26    9   10    96  2008
22Z     3    5   36   38    9    0    91  2099
23Z     4   10   47   21    1    0    83  2182
00Z     1   18   12    2    0    0    33  2215
01Z     6   39   10    2    0    0    57  2272
02Z     2   11   25    0    0    0    38  2310
03Z     2    8   17    4    0    0    31  2341
04Z     1   20   15    3    0    0    39  2380
05Z     3   19   16    2    0    0    40  2420
06Z     4   10    3    3    0    0    20  2440
07Z     1   13    3    2    0    0    19  2459
08Z     3    8    6    3    0    0    20  2479
09Z     2    6    4    1    0    0    13  2492
10Z     2    2    4    8    0    0    16  2508
11Z     1    0    6    7    1    0    15  2523
12Z     0    4    7   31   11    1    54  2577
13Z     0    1    4   65   46    1   117  2694
14Z     0    0    2   57   92   10   161  2855
15Z     0    0    4   56   39   19   118  2973
16Z     0    0    0   74   36   10   120  3093
17Z     0    0    1   46   10    6    63  3156
18Z     0    0    1   35   11    7    54  3210
19Z     0    0    2   36   12    7    57  3267
20Z     0    0   12   16    7    3    38  3305
21Z     1    6   28   36   20    8    99  3404
22Z     0    8   15   28   17    3    71  3475
23Z     5   23   31   25   16    6   106  3581
tot   131  443  700 1468  722  117  ----  3581

0 point QSOs: 274
2 point QSOs: 379
3 point QSOs: 2960

                160     80     40     20     15     10    total
N America:       70    127    157    105     88     74      621 (17%)
              (11%)  (20%)  (25%)  (16%)  (14%)  (11%)
S America:        5      9     18     40     48     34      154 (4%)
               (3%)   (5%)  (11%)  (25%)  (31%)  (22%)
   Europe:       48    265    436   1142    502      1     2394 (66%)
               (2%)  (11%)  (18%)  (47%)  (20%)       
   Africa:        4      8     17     26     23      2       80 (2%)
               (5%)  (10%)  (21%)  (32%)  (28%)   (2%)
     Asia:        0     22     47    146     40      0      255 (7%)
                      (8%)  (18%)  (57%)  (15%)       
  Oceania:        3     10     24      9     20      6       72 (2%)
               (4%)  (13%)  (33%)  (12%)  (27%)   (8%)

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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