Ari Korhonen
ari.korhonen at pp.kolumbus.fi
Wed Nov 27 15:20:47 EST 1996
OH1EH SINGLE BAND 160M HP: 703 QSOs, 20Z, 75C =3D 76.665p.
Equipment: FT1000MP + AL1200
Antenna: 3 sloping quarter-wave verticals (phased)
The main purpose for this effort was to find out how the new 160m antenna
works. It sure didn=B4t make me the loudest thing on the band, but managed=
break some big pile=B4ups though. Considering the poor propagation, I=B4m=
satisfied with the antenna.
Had a pretty good first hour for 160m: 91 QSOs. As expected, the rate went
downhill quite fast. I was pleased to hear some DX stations working split to
Europe. That=B4s the only way to keep things under controll. PY0FF and HC8N
were especially good at this.
We all are used to hear W1KM loud on 80m, but he was the loudest station
from the US on Top Band as well. Good, readable signals from K1TI and K1UO=
Thanks for the QSOs. 73 Ari, OH1EH
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