KD3GC CQP Results (insults?)

Kd3gcmark at aol.com Kd3gcmark at aol.com
Mon Oct 7 00:05:44 EDT 1996

Go ahead and laugh. It's the only thing that keeps us from crying. 

Call used : KD3GC
State : GA
Class : Multi-single
Operators : KD3GC, N0MMA
CW 51 Q's
SSB 88 Q's
Total Q's : 139 
Total Mult : 45
Total Score 14805
7:14 hours of operation
Low Power : 100 WATTS
Antennas : TA33JR up @ 35ft. Center Fed Zepp up @ 70ft.

Conditions from GA were not good for us. We seemed to struggle for every
contact. Conditions on Sunday seemed to be even worse. 10M was dead, 15m was
dead, and 75m was a real dissappointment. We had stuck relays at times, a
lack of CW proficiency and a late start. Then Murphy came to operate. Don't
try this unless you are a trained professional. We were putting up a full
sized 40 meter 2 element quad. There were some struggles but we seemed to be
over coming the obstacles. Just as we we got everything into posistion and
were attempting to put on the feed line it came crashing down from 70ft to
meets it's demise. There must be a balance achieved when trying to put out a
killer signal and not trying to kill yourself in the process. All in all we
had fun and would do it again. See you all next year with a better score.

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