Jim Stevens ki4hn at nando.net
Mon Oct 7 23:39:44 EDT 1996

Here's the score for AA4NC (the one in NC not CA).
AA4NC himself was operating at WB6IRC.  He also made
a few mobile contacts as AA4NC/M6.  I had at least one
person ask me how I got from CA to NC so fast.  Hope this
confusion didn't cost me any Qs.

    Callsign Used : AA4NC
         Operator : KI4HN

         Category : Single Op - High Power

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Ants

  160CW        3           3          9       0    V @ 115'
  160SSB       1           1          2       0    
   80CW       31          31         93       0    V @ 115'
   80SSB      29          29         58       1
   40CW       57          57        171       0    402CD* @ 130'
   40SSB      58          58        116       1    
   20CW      113         113        339       5    204BA* @ 120'
   20SSB     241         241        482      49
   15CW       31          31         93       1    4 el @ 80'
   15SSB     113         113        226       1

 Totals      677         677       1589      58

 Final Score = 92162 points.

 * - Antennas still pointed down at ground due to H. Fran.

 Main station: Yaesu FT-990 & AL-1200 with above antennas.
 2nd  station: Icom IC-736 & Amp Supply LK-500 with Pro 67 @ 70'

 On 160M CW, worked AB6FO, N6RO, & W6EEN.  On 160M SSB, worked
 N6RO.  Probably could have worked 'FO & 'EEN if we had all been
 thinking.  In this test if you can make the Q on CW on 160M, you
 should immediately try it again on the same frequency on SSB.

 Here's the rates:
 64, 53, 50, 29, 24, 20, 51, 18, 19, 34, 42, 21, 20, 17, 
 15, 17, 10,  0,  0,  0,  8, 18, 16, 24, 31, 51, 17,  7

 Here's the top 10 counties:
     LAX   76
  SCLARA   46
      OJ   36
     SAC   35
    SDGO   34
     ALA   29
     SLO   24
     AMA   21
  CONTRA   21
   RIVER   18

 Here's the bottom 10 counties:
   MODOC    2
   KINGS    2
    SBEN    2
   TUOLO    2
    LASS    2
    TRIN    2
     COL    2
   BUTTE    1
    LAKE    1
    GLEN    1
  SUTTER    1

 I had 56 counties when I went to bed at 5AM local.
 The last two to go (on 20M SSB) were Colusa and Sutter.
 I caught N6BT/M right before he was about to go over the
 Sacromento River back into Colusa (Tnx Tom).

 Overall I thought conditions and participation were down
 from last year, but I think others would differ with me.
 I finished 54 Qs behind last year when I set the NC
 record operating at N4ZC.  I finished 2nd place outside
 CA with that score.  This year I think I will be lucky
 to make top 5.  I heard VE7SZ, NB1B, K5GA, and AA8AV with
 bigger numbers on Sunday.  Oh well, I should at least
 be guaranteed another fine bottle of CA wine.  Thanks
 to all the mobiles and to the NCCC for another fine 

73, Jim, KI4HN
email -- ki4hn at nando.net
WWW   -- http://www.webbuild.com/~ki4hn  -> vanity call info

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