N1PBT CQP SOLP Score and comments

Ronald D Rossi rrossi at btv.ibm.com
Tue Oct 8 09:14:26 EDT 1996

                           CAL QSO PARTY SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 05-Oct-96, 06-Oct-96

    Callsign Used : N1PBT
         Operator : N1PBT

         Category : SOLP (100W)

 Default Exchange : # VT

             Name : Ronald D. Rossi
          Address : RR1 Box 1543
   City/State/Zip : Swanton, VT  05488-9713
          Country : United States

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults     Op Time = 19 hrs 05 mins

   80CW       14          14         42       0
   80SSB      23          23         46       0
   40CW       15          15         45       0
   40SSB       9           9         19       0
   20CW       68          68        204       9
   20SSB     113         113        226      45
   15CW       10          10         30       0
   15SSB      17          17         34       0

 Totals      269         269        646      54

    Final Score = 34884 points...56% better than last year.

Well I had to miss the opening 2 hours of the contest to play RACES.  I don't 
think it hurt me too much though.  My first 14 contacts were each in 
different counties, which served to pump me up a bit for a sweep...I ended up 
missing four: Yolo, Trinity, Plumas (did I just tune right past KF7AM because 
there was no /6...duh is the sound of me kicking myself), and San Benito.

I took the opportunity to bone up on my CW.  I fit about 1/2 hour of RUFZ a 
day for the two weeks before the contest as well as TR in simulator mode to 
get the hang of it (again) for the contest.  Many of you heard the NR? and 
QTH? which I used liberally to check myself.  I got much better as the 
contest progressed.

The bone-head move I remember best was when I was not sure of W7KB/6's QSO 
number and sent "199 ok?".  A nanosecond after I heard the dah of the TU 
coming back I knew I blew that one! Well needless to say he logged me as 199 
Oklahoma and still don't know if I was NR100, 109, 190, or really 
199...despite my efforts to reverse my mistake.  Why I felt the urge to 
actually send 199 0K? and not just NR? is beyond me.  I logged this one as a 
zero pointer.

I listened on 15m pretty often.  I made a 1700Z sked and got there early to 
try a few CQs.  I heard the skedee, but he could not hear me.  A half hour 
later I was sweeping 20m CW and no fewer than three stations just up and left 
as I answered their CQs.  My gut said they heard 15m open up and QSYed.  I 
was right, but I didn't find out until a half hour later when I switched.  
Not rushing to 15m yielded my DelNorte (CW) and Sutter (SSB) multipliers.  I 
figured the guns would be workable anytime and I needed multipliers.

I spent a lot of time rummaging for stations I hadn't worked yet on 20m 
throughout the contest.  More like hunt and peck than search and pounce 
looking for the weak ones.  Calling CQ was just 15% of my QSO total and 
certainly my Colusa mult, since KJ6PJ/M so kindly informed me he changed 
counties and was in fact not a dupe.  I have to pay more attention to the 
mobile exchanges next year as well as those of the other seemingly non-CA 

40m was not as productive as I had hoped, but I did not get back on until 
1600Z after my 0700Z break.  My 5YO daughter sang at the 10:15 mass and I 
made the Saturday morning pancakes for Sunday breakfast (missed Saturday 
because of the RACES thing).

80m was big gun central some with better ears than others.  One guy had an 
STS signal that I could not get back to.  He worked others during the times I 
tried, so I know he was not in the woods or another band...oh well.  I went 
right from him to an S3 sig that answered the first call...go figure...it 
took me off guard.

That's enough for now.  Nice to work you all again (maybe the last time as 

73 de N1PBT...ron (rrossi at btv.ibm.com) <><
Ron Rossi H/P SRAM Engineering -- IBM Microelectronics

PS: I'm usually not too fond of cute phonetics, but I enjoyed 6 Fine Ladies.

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