Larry Schimelpfenig
lschim at mailstorm.dot.gov
Wed Oct 9 07:26:21 EDT 1996
I thoroughly enjoy this qso party. Kudos to NCCC for putting it on, the
guys n gals who go mobile or portable to put on rare counties, and to
everyone for participating.
cw ssb
160 003 000
80 038 024
40 051 028
20 105 130
15 031 037
10 000 000
total 228 219 62,832
counties - 56
Low power Single op
IC735 - KT34XA, 2el 40, N4KG 80, top loaded vertical 160 (actually a 40 mtr
extended double zepp).
Every year I come up a day late or dollar short on counties. It's amazing
to compare counties I miss with those that others miss (especially after
putting in a pretty serious effort and really scouring all the bands both
modes carefully). I missed Lake and Yolo this year. I'd make several
suggestions to those heading out to activate the rare counties. First if
you're not a 6, sign portable or something to indicate you are in CA.
Second if you are mobile and calling cq, indicate the county you are in,
especially if you are moving from cty to cty. As a final note to other
ops outside of CA, if I hadn't spent some time calling cq, I most
certainly would have missed several other counties.
Can't forget to thank NCCC for the bottle of wine from last year. I can't
decide whether to drink it or if the bottle/award looks better with the
liquid in it.
73 de Larry K7SV in VA
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