Dravland, Todd ToddD at dci.state.sd.us
Mon Oct 21 11:19:00 EDT 1996

WD0T South Dakota   ARCI QRP Contest         5 watts

Single Op NA sez 7:41 mins op time

160  0    Inv L     
80   2    Dipole at 40ft
40   88   2 ele yagi at 45 ft
20   57   6 ele tribander at 40ft
15   0         "
10   0         "

Didn't operate 160, 15, or 10m.  Mostly casual effort on 80,40 and 20m.  Had 
a blast for a while on both 40m Saturday morning and 20m on Sunday 
afternoon.  Was a good shakedown for the equipment and operator.  Thanks

73, Todd


toddd at dci.state.sd.us

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