Christoph Rheker
christor at microsoft.com
Mon Oct 28 01:59:03 EST 1996
Call: DL4YAO
Single OP, All Band, High Power
Operating hours: 15
QSO QSO Points Multplier Score
387 701 199 139499
TS870S, 500 Watts Linear, Verticals at 15 meters
10m was dead quiet. Worked some locals and a PY5.
15m brought a nice opening to JA and the US East. Good
signals from Africa, South East Asia and LU/PY.
20m was worse than last year. Never heard a W6/W7. Even
K0RF was not strong here. The hidden attenuator seemed to be
west of W9 land. Also fewer JA's than last year.
40m had good signals from Central/South America. The PJ9 team
and HC8N were loud. Also lots of activity from zones 17/18.
Didn't spend much time on 80/160.
These guys were loudest in Europe and DON'T need to improve
the antennas anymore...
K3LR, W3LPL, K5ZD, N6BV, KC1XX on 20 meters. Also KS9K, K4ISV
and KM9P were sometimes as loud as the OP's from the US North-East.
Strongest JA was JH5ZJS. On 40 meters W3LPL was much louder than
the other US stations. The UA9's were 59+ always.
Here is an idea:
DX stations please confirm always the call of the guy who called you.
This will make the contact perfect.
Please don't do it this way:
DX station: CQ Contest from (dx station)
DX station: DL4? you are 59 something
Me: OK, my call DL4YAO, you are 5914
DX station: Thanks, QRZ from ...
So...does he really has my call correct?
73 and see you in CQWWDX CW!
Christoph Rheker
Erding, Germany
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