KC1XX CQWW Phone score (M/M)

Dave Pascoe dave at mathworks.com
Mon Oct 28 15:59:32 EST 1996

Mason, New Hampshire


160:  216/13/41   Delta loop (top at 200')
 80:  797/24/102  Delta loops (NE/SW and NW/SE) tops at 200'
 40:  673/32/113  2el at 200' rotary, delta loop top @ 180'
 20: 1858/38/166  4/4/4/4el top at 200'
 15: 1597/28/154  4/4/4/4/4/4el, top at 200'
 10:  306/16/46   4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4el, top at 200' 
     5443/151/622 =  11.05M

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