96cqssb scores for AC5BR, Steve Gibbs

Steve Gibbs tv4029wx at khbs-khog.com
Mon Oct 28 22:14:41 EST 1996

96cqwwssb scores for AC5BR, Steve Gibbs

                         1996 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST
     Call used: AC5BR                                          Location: 04
     Category: Single Op Assisted         Mode: SSB             Power: 150W
     Callsign of Operator: AC5BR 
     Hours of Operation: 26
     band    QSOs   points    zones     ctys
     160        1        0        1        1
      80       25       51        7       13
      40       33       76       10       20
      20       83      196       16       35
      15       75      196       19       44
      10       24       59        9       17
     TOTAL    241      578       62      130         SCORE: 110,976
     Club or Team Name: Hanging Judge Contest Team  
     This was a contest of many firsts.  It was my first time over 100K
     as an individual op.  It was also my first time to operate as part 
     of a contest team, the infamous HJCT.  As Jerry, AB5SE mentioned
     in his comments, we're starting slow, but we're starting.  This was
     also the first time my girlfriend let me operate more than a few 
     hours in any contest since I met her.  I believe she's coming
     around.  The antennas are a G5RV up at 20'with the ends hanging down
     for 20,40 and 80.  A Gap vertical was used for 10 aand 15.  Gosh, do
     I need a bigger yard and a huge antenna to put on it.  I really 
     enjoyed this event and will make a better effort at it next year.
     Can't wait for the CW!!!

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