Gerald J Kersus
gjk at hogpa.ho.att.com
Thu Oct 31 09:18:38 EST 1996
Band QSOs Zs Cs
160 31 9 21 Inverted-L @ 55 ft, 550-ft NE Bev
80 101 14 52 Inverted-V @ 55 ft, 550-ft NE Bev
40 105 21 64 Assorted crummy wires
20 407 29 110 KT-34XA @ 60 ft
15 455 25 112 "
10 105 11 32 "
1204 109 391 ===> 1,688,500
Rig: IC-765 & Alpha 78
Once again the progation gods came through and fooled the propagation
gurus! Everyone's already discussed low-band conditions. I chatted with
EI7M op Saturday on 15 and he told me they had very few US stations on 80.
This at least made me realize it wasn't just my antenna changes from last
year! I had spent Thursday afternoon taking down the XA to find and fix a
problem I uncovered while operating JOTA the previous weekend -- 20 M SWR
was above 2.5:1 across the band! Based on propagation predictions, I
wasn't going to risk doing this since it meant taking down ALL my antennas
to get the beam down. By using K2PH's antenna analyzer, I correctly guessed
where the problem was and I decided to try fixing things. I managed to get
everything back up before dark. Glad I did, even if I was tired and sore
Gerry, W1GD
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